Vegetable Souffle
Public Domain Recipes ()

Vegetable Souffle

Yield: 6 servings



  1. Beat the yolks of eggs and fold them into the stiffly beaten whites of eggs.
  2. Add peas, spinach, which had been put through a sieve, and carrots, cut up the size of a pea.
  3. Season with salt and pepper and last of all add a scant half cup of good rich milk.
  4. Pour into a buttered baking dish and put in a moderately slow oven.
  5. This should bake from 15 to 25 minutes, depending upon the time when the crust is nicely browned.
  6. It should be eaten immediately.

Other Information

Author: Person.Vegetable Souffle Contributor: Organization.Photoplay Magazine, Person.Carolyn van Wyck

Source: Photoplay's Cook Book (1927-01-01)

Category: Side

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: rice, salt, tomato, pepper, onion, chili powder, green pepper, olive oil

Equipment: measuring cups, knife, oven, egg beater, baking dish

See Also