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Russian Salad

Related Recipes: Mayonnaise Sauce



  1. Take equal quantities of carrots, turnips, french beans, haricot beans, cauliflower, green peas, potatoes, beetroot and celery, or any other vegetables that may be in season- boil till tender: the carrots and turnips together, the french beans and green peas together, the haricot beans (which must have been soaked overnight), cauliflower, and potatoes all separately.
  2. When cold, cut all the vegetables into neat pieces.
  3. Mix all well together, with some mayonnaise sauce, turn into a basin or mould.
  4. When required, turn the salad on to a dish, and pour mayonnaise sauce over it.

Other Information

Author: Person.May Henry, Person.Edith B Cohen

Source: The Economical Jewish Cook (1897-01-01)

Category: Salad

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: carrot, turnip, bean, cauliflower, green pea, potato, beet, celery

Equipment: knife, pot, stove

See Also