Boston Brown Bread
Public Domain Recipes ()

Boston Brown Bread

Yield: 6 servings



  1. Mix and sift dry ingredients, add molasses and liquid.
  2. Fill well-buttered moulds two-thirds full, butter the top of mould, and steam three and one-half hours.
  3. Remove from moulds and place in an oven to dry ten minutes before serving.
  4. If sweet milk is used, 1 tablespoon vinegar to 1 1/4 cup will sour the milk.
  5. 2— baking powder cans, melon moulds, lard pails or any attractively shaped tin cans may be used as a mould.
  6. 3—two methods of steaming are used: (a) regular steamer in which the mould, either large or individual, is placed over a pan of boiling water.
  7. Buttered papers may be tied firmly over the tops of uncovered moulds.
  8. (B) steaming in boiling water.
  9. The mould is placed on a small article in the bottom of a pan of boiling water.
  10. This enables the water to circulate around the mould.
  11. Care must be observed in keeping the kettle two-thirds full of boiling water all of the time of cooking.
  12. (Bettina used the method in the fireless cooker.
  13. ) She started the brown bread in the cooker utensil on the top of the stove.
  14. When the water was boiling vigorously, she placed it over one hot stone in the cooker.
  15. The water came two-thirds of the distance to the top of her cans.
  16. In the cooker, she did not have to watch for fear the water would boil away.
  17. After fastening the lid tightly on the cooker-kettle in which the bread was to steam, she did not look at it again for four hours.
  18. (It takes a little longer in the cooker than on the stove.
  19. ).

Other Information

Author: Person.Louise Bennett Weaver, Person.Helen Cowles LeCron

Source: A Thousand Ways To Please a Husband (1917-01-01)

Category: Bread

Ingredient: graham flour, molass, corn meal, sugar, white flour, sour milk, salt, soda, raisin

Equipment: measuring cups, measuring spoons, sifter, stove

See Also