Public Domain Recipes
A Delicate Cake
cegoh (Pixabay License).

French Omelet

Yield: 2 servings



  1. Mix eggs, water, salt and pepper with fork.
  2. Heat fat in 8-inch skillet just hot enough to sizzle a drop of water.
  3. Pour in egg mixture.
  4. It should set at edges at once.
  5. Reduce heat.
  6. As the mixture at the edges thickens, draw these portions with the fork toward the center so that the uncooked portions flow to the bottom.
  7. Tilt skillet to hasten flow of uncooked eggs.
  8. Shake skillet to keep omelet sliding freely.
  9. Keep mixture as level as possible.
  10. When eggs are set and surface is still moist, increase heat to brown bottom quickly.
  11. Carefully loosen edge, fold in half or roll.

Other Information

Author: Organization.Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Source: Metropolitan Cookbook (1964-02-01)

Category: Breakfast, Main Dish

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: egg, water, salt, pepper, fat

Equipment: measuring spoons, measuring cups, skillet

See Also