Public Domain Recipes
cegoh (Pixabay License).

Casserole of Lamb



  1. Cut lamb into small pieces, roll in flour, and brown well in hot fat with the onion.
  2. Then put this into a well-greased casserole with the tomatoes and 1 cup of hot water.
  3. Bake this two hours, replenishing the water from time to time.
  4. Add potatoes and carrots and bake for 3/4 of an hour longer.
  5. Thicken the gravy with a few tablespoons of flour and serve very hot.
  6. .

Other Information

Author: Person.Edmund Lowe Contributor: Organization.Photoplay Magazine, Person.Carolyn van Wyck

Source: Photoplay's Cook Book (1927-01-01)

Category: Meat, Main Dish

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: lamb, onion, potato, tomato, carrot, seasoning

Equipment: measuring cups, knife, oven, rolling pin, casserole

See Also