Public Domain Recipes
A Delicate Cake
cegoh (Pixabay License).

Baked Custard

Yield: 8 servings



  1. Set oven for 325f.
  2. Combine eggs, sugar, and salt; mix well.
  3. Scald milk; add slowly, stirring constantly.
  4. Add vanilla.
  5. Pour into 1 1/2 -quart casserole.
  6. Sprinkle with nutmeg.
  7. Set in pan of cold water.
  8. Bake 1 1/4 hours, or until knife inserted near rim comes out clean.
  9. Cup custard variation: use 4 eggs instead of 6, set cups in pan of cold water and bake as above 1 hour.

Other Information

Author: Organization.Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Source: Metropolitan Cookbook (1964-02-01)

Category: Dessert

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: egg, sugar, salt, milk, vanilla, nutmeg

Equipment: oven, measuring spoons, measuring cups, pot, baking pan

See Also