Snow Pudding
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Snow Pudding



  1. Dissolve the cornstarch in a little of the milk and the sugar in the remainder.
  2. When it begins to boil add the dissolved cornstarch, stirring constantly until it becomes a smooth paste.
  3. Then, remove from fire and add the whites of eggs, beaten to a stiff froth.
  4. Pour into individual moulds and serve with a custard made of the yolks of the eggs, 1 pint of milk, sugar and flavoring to taste.

Other Information

Author: Person.Nellie I Morris Contributor: Organization.Girls' High and Normal School

Source: Alumnae Cookbook (1891-01-01)

Category: Dessert

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: milk, cornstarch, egg, sugar

Equipment: measuring cups, measuring spoons, pot, egg beater

See Also