Plum Pudding
Couleur (Pixabay License)

Plum Pudding

Related Recipes: Hard Sauce



  1. Mix the bread crumbs, sugar, suet, and fruit thoroughly ; add the eggs and milk.
  2. Sift in the flour, add the salt, and put the spices in last.
  3. Pour in a greased mould and steam three hours.
  4. To be eaten with hard sauce.

Other Information

Author: Person.Elizabeth A Ziegler Contributor: Organization.Girls' High and Normal School

Source: Alumnae Cookbook (1891-01-01)

Category: Dessert

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: bread crumb, flour, sugar, salt, egg, milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, beef suet, raisin, currant, citron

Equipment: measuring cups, measuring spoons, baking pan, steamer

See Also