Peanut-Butter Bread
NjoyHarmony (Pixabay License)

Peanut-Butter Bread

Yield: 5 two and one-half pound loaves



  1. Sift flour, then measure.
  2. Resift with baking powder, salt and sugar.
  3. Combine peanut butter and shortening and add to the dry ingredients, working in with the finger tips until fine.
  4. Mix milk, water and slightly beaten eggs.
  5. Make a well in center of dry ingredients and pour in the liquid mixture.
  6. Combine quickly.
  7. Pour into greased bread pans.
  8. Bake in a slow oven (325f) 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Other Information

Author: Person.M Faith McAuley, Person.Mary Adele Wood

Source: Quantity Recipes for Quality Foods (1939-01-01)

Category: Bread, Dessert

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: cake flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, peanut butter, shortening, evaporated milk, water, egg

Equipment: oven, egg beater, bread pan, measuring spoons, measuring cups, sifter

See Also