Creamed Celery
Public Domain Recipes ()

Creamed Celery



  1. Use trimmed stalks of well-bleached celery; cut these into pieces an inch long.
  2. Let simmer in water to cover until tender.
  3. Measure the water that is left and use with milk or cream to fill a cup.
  4. Use this and the butter and flour to make the regular white sauce.
  5. Stir the celery into the sauce.
  6. Dip the toast in boiling salted water, set on plates, and spread with butter.
  7. Pour the celery and sauce over the toast.

Other Information

Author: Person.Louise Fazenda Contributor: Organization.Photoplay Magazine, Person.Carolyn van Wyck

Source: Photoplay's Cook Book (1927-01-01)

Category: Side

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: celery, pepper, butter, milk, flour, toast, salt, water

Equipment: measuring cups, measuring spoons, knife, stove, pot

See Also