Public Domain Recipes
cegoh (Pixabay License).

To Clear Soup

Yield: 3 pints



  1. Chop up the beef fine; clean the vegetables and cut them into small pieces.
  2. After removing all the fat from the stock, which should now be in the form of jelly, place it in a stew-pan with the meat and vegetables.
  3. Whisk it over the fire until just on boiling point, when it should be left to boil up well.
  4. It should now be clear.
  5. Fix a clean kitchen-cloth on the legs of a chair, placed with its seat on a table ; pour boiling water several times through the cloth into a basin, and then let the soup run twice slowly through the cloth.
  6. Another way: use 2 whites of eggs whisked in 1/2 pint cold water, instead of the gravy beef.

Other Information

Author: Person.May Henry, Person.Edith B Cohen

Source: The Economical Jewish Cook (1897-01-01)

Category: Soup

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: stock, gravy, carrot, turnip, onion

Equipment: measuring cups, measuring spoons, knife, pan, pot, sieve

See Also