Public Domain Recipes
cegoh (Pixabay License).

Potato Biscuit



  1. Boil and mash potatoes.
  2. Sift flour, salt and baking powder together.
  3. Add potatoes and cream in the lard.
  4. Mix to a light dough with egg and milk.
  5. Roll out rather thin and bake in hot oven until brown.
  6. Serve hot.

Other Information

Author: Person.Lon Chaney Contributor: Organization.Photoplay Magazine, Person.Carolyn van Wyck

Source: Photoplay's Cook Book (1927-01-01)

Category: Bread

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: potato, salt, flour, lard, baking powder, egg, milk

Equipment: measuring cups, measuring spoons, oven, rolling pin, sifter, stove

See Also