Public Domain Recipes
A Delicate Cake
cegoh (Pixabay License).

Pineapple Chiffon Cheese Cake

Yield: 10 servings



  1. Combine one-half the sugar and 1/2 cup syrup drained from pineapple with slightly beaten egg yolks.
  2. Cook over hot water until smooth and thickened, stirring constantly.
  3. Soften gelatin in water for 5 minutes.
  4. Add to the hot mixture and stir until dissolved.
  5. Chill until it starts to thicken, then add pineapple, sieved cottage cheese, grated lemon rind and lemon juice.
  6. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites, salt and whipped cream.
  7. Combine crumbs, remaining sugar and butter or margarine.
  8. Line pan with crumbs, saving out about a third for the top.
  9. Add cheese mixture and cover with remaining crumbs.
  10. Chill several hours until firm.

Other Information

Author: Person.Claire V Pulliam Contributor: Organization.Order of Eastern Star Chapter 69

Source: Eastern Star Cookbook (1951-01-01)

Category: Dessert

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: sugar, lemon rind, pineapple, lemon juice, egg yolk, egg white, water, salt, gelatin, whipping cream, Zweibach, cottage cheese, butter

Equipment: measuring cups, measuring spoons, egg beater, double boiler, stove, refrigerator

See Also