Public Domain Recipes
cegoh (Pixabay License).

Pickled Cherries



  1. Select firm cherries.
  2. White oxhearts are best.
  3. Remove all specks.
  4. Pack the cherries in wide-mouthed bottles, or jars.
  5. Cover them with vinegar.
  6. Pour vinegar off.
  7. To each pint of vinegar use from 3/4 to 1 pound of granulated sugar.
  8. (Quantity of sugar to be determined by strength of vinegar.
  9. ) Boil vinegar and sugar together from ten to fifteen minutes.
  10. Pour over cherries while hot.
  11. Into each jar, three or four cloves may be put.
  12. Let them stand uncovered till the next day.
  13. If any vinegar is left over the jars may be filled as the shrinkage takes place.
  14. .

Other Information

Author: Person.E Allie Blakeley Contributor: Organization.Girls' High and Normal School

Source: Alumnae Cookbook (1891-01-01)

Category: Side

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: cherry, vinegar, sugar, clove

Equipment: measuring cups, measuring spoons

See Also