Public Domain Recipes
cegoh (Pixabay License).

Indian Fish - Alder Wood Charcoal Salmon



  1. Cut salmon into 4 or % pound chunks (crsgs-wise cut through the fish——not fillet).
  2. Make a brine by dissolving boiling water and salt.
  3. Cool brine well.
  4. Put the salmon in a crock and cover with brine.
  5. Use a weight to hold it down and permit the salmon to stand in the brine 24 hours in a cold place.
  6. Remove salmon, wipe dry, and wrap in the following manner: wrap wax paper around the salmon.
  7. Wrap a sheet of white wrapping paper around it.
  8. Wrap 2 thicknesses of newspaper, which has been moistened until wet but still able to handle, around it.
  9. Wrap with about 4 to 5 double pages of dry newspaper, and place on the alder coals.
  10. Permit the fish to be in the coals 15 to 20 minutes per pound.
  11. Turn the fish frequently as it cooks, so that all sides cook until all paper is burned except the last layer of wax paper, which also will be charred.
  12. Peel off all burned paper and remove skin from fish.
  13. Serve either hot or cold.
  14. .

Other Information

Author: Person.Mrs J Murto Contributor: Organization.Point Adams Packing Co

Source: Savory Seafoods of Oregon (1957-07-01)

Category: Seafood

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: salmon, water, salt

Equipment: measuring cups, knife, stove, coal

See Also