Public Domain Recipes
cegoh (Pixabay License).

Evighets Ol (Everlasting Ale)



  1. Starter: soak barley in water for 3 days.
  2. Then spread to dry in warm place until sprouted.
  3. Put into kettle of water, add 1 cake of yeast, and put in dark damp place 3 or 4 days.
  4. To make the ale, put the starter grain into a quart jar of water.
  5. Add sugar and molasses.
  6. Mix and leave at room temperature.
  7. When aged to desired taste, pour liquid into another jar and refrigerate.
  8. A new batch can be started with a portion of the grain left in the first jar.

Other Information

Author: Organization.Coon Prairie Church

Source: Country Coon Prairie Church Preservation Kokk Bok (1986-01-01)

Category: Drink

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: barley, yeast, starter grain, sugar, molass

Equipment: kettle, bowl, measuring cups, measuring spoons

See Also