Public Domain Recipes
cegoh (Pixabay License).

Cabinet Pudding



  1. Mix first five ingredients in a bowl and prepare the following pudding: boil milk, beat eggs and sugar into cornstarch and add to milk.
  2. When the cornstarch is thoroughly cooked, take from the fire, flavor with lemon extract, and stir in the nuts, citron, and raisins.
  3. Then pour into cups, adding a macaroon to each cup.
  4. When cold turn out of the cups and serve with the following sauce : beat the yolk of an egg and 1 1/2 tablespoonfuls sugar together, add a large cupful cream and a teaspoonful vanilla.
  5. If the cream is too rich, part milk may be used.
  6. The white of an egg beaten very light, added, is an improvement.

Other Information

Author: Person.Kate S Gillespie Contributor: Organization.Girls' High and Normal School

Source: Alumnae Cookbook (1891-01-01)

Category: Dessert

Measure: avoirdupois

Ingredient: almond, walnut, citron, raisin, milk, cornstarch, egg, sugar, egg yolk, cream, vanilla

Equipment: measuring cups, measuring spoons, knife, bowl, pot, egg beater

See Also